Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4, 2010

I am pretty sure that this will be my very last e-mail that I send. I just need to let you know that when I call for mother´s day (3days before I arrive at home) that you will need to buy a longdistance calling card to be able to return the call and there is a certain number that gets you into brazil, perhaps you already know, or the calling card will tell you but the number is 0115564 that should make it a bit easier. There isn´t anywhere that I can buy the card that i used last time, only in Goiania.
This last weekend we were extremelly blessed. Our Presidente gave us a faith challenge and sister Riggsa and i accepted. The challenge was to baptise and confirm on sunday. We have a couple investigators that have already been to church at least two times, but no one who had accepted a baptisimal date, but we accepted and prayed a lot that Heavenly Father could help us and help our investigators. We invited the most hopeful and he rejected the date. We went back the next day though and invited him another way and he said that he would pray and that he had 4 days before he would give us his answer. (he had shown forth fruits of repentance, but was worried about enduring to the end) On friday he told us that he had descided to be baptised and that this was what he really wanted! YAYAYAYYAY! It was happy! What a merciful god we have! I am excited to see you all again! I love this mission!

I will call 7:00pm here in Brazil and I think that is about 3-4:00 there, if you are not home i will assume that you have church 1:00 and call later.!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27, 2010

Last week I didn´t have the opportunity to write, because I had a wonderful opportunity to go to Goiania and be there with Elder Nelson, Elder Costa, and Elder Ellis, and all their wives! What a miracle, we found out that Presidente had changed his mind and let us come Sunday night and we left Tuesday. It was so wonderful and we had been preparing and hoping for a miracle.The Lord hears and answers our prayers. We also had three miracle baptisms last weekend. More answers to our prayers. presidente sent his 2 assistants to do interview a couple of wonderful and special people. Maria da Conceição, Carlos, and Samuel who will serve a mission.He is 19 years old and a hoot! He makes us laugh a lot!
I have to tell you all something sweet that was a sweet sweet experience! I had the opportunity to translate for Sister Nelson when she spoke! Neat! She is amazing, she asked me to write my address and phone number so if you randomly get a call or letter from sister Nelson you know why! It was very neat. I felt privileged even though it wasn´t perfect, the spirit helped me.
When Elder Nelson spoke it felt as though he was looking straight into my heart. What a man of faith! Heavenly Father is so good to us, we are so lucky and blessed to live in these last days with prophets and apostles! What a blessing!
Thank you all for the e-mails. I loved reading them, and I am happy that you all are excited for me to get home. It makes me a little more excited even knowing that I will be leaving a large portion of my heart here in Brazil, But I am excited too to come home. I am pretty sure that I am not trunky which is a great blessing. I received my flight plans that I will send to you all.
Remeber how much I love you and look forward to seeing you all soon.
I think mom that I will stay around in St. George for a bit, don´t worry I will find a job.
I think that I will need to go to the doctors when I get home I think that I probably did something to my foot, because it has been about a month that it hurts and is not getting better, but it doesn´t help to run Sunday morning on a broken foot to get people to church...I am super happy. I would go to the doctor here, but I really don´t think that they can do much, because I have already been walking for over a month on it.
Thank you once again for your e-mails and support. You have no idea how much they brighten my day and my heart! I hope you will all get a new sister Judd out of this deal!
Love Sister Judd

Kami's Flight Plans


Vaguiner C.


Brazil Goiania Mission

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pictures from Kami!!! 4/13/10

We bought these popular pants here in brazil that rock! I love it

April 13, 2010

Mom, I think that I will be home the 12th, but I too am not sure. I will have the opportunity to call you on mother´s day just one or two days before I get home which is kinda funny, but we will be able to resolve all of the little details.
As of for right now, I am trying my best to keep 100% focused on the mission. I have so much more to do, and with Heavenly Father´s help I believe I will be able to accomplish my goals from my mission.
We have a couple of investigators wwho are progressing to be baptised this weekend, one that has been taught throughout the last three months, he was the elder´s investigators, but after they left we took him on and he readily accepted to be baptised. I am happy for him, he loves the book of mormon.
I love the mission. I had a moment of shock and bittersweet heartache this week when I thought of all my beloved irmãos in Hidrolandia. I started to cry. I love this place and the people who have made a real impact im my life and my personal salvation. I realize I am really nothing, but that the Lord has and continues to work mighty miracles through me. How wonderful to love His children here in Brasil.
It is interesting as a missionary that you are forced to look at problems and work diligently to resolve them. It is great when you can look and see a little bit of what your work has done and changed. I lvoe the lord in him my soul delights. This week I have been studying reverence and virtue. I know that, and have to constantly remind myself that God loves His children with such a perfect love and that he has so much mercy on all of us. I loved General conference and the ways in which I was called to repentance. I invite you all to be a little better do a little more and love a little more too. I am excited!
We have a little thing in our district that every transfer whoever baptises the most gets something. last time it was shakes at the Chichino and let me brag a little and let you konw that Sister Riggs and I were the lucky hardworking winners :) this transfer it is pizza, real good pizza, so we are shooting first of all to please our father in heaven and gain our own salvation, but I like pizza too.:) Love you all and pray for you too!
Sister jUdd

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30, 2010

this week we worked hard to help a few people be confirmed. I am so happy for my recent-converts here and am excited, there is so much to do and the field is white already to harvest.
Presidente Tobias came and we had a meeting, it was great, a call for repentance. There is so much to do, but we can´t get discouraged, Heavenly Father will help I am sure.
I believe I have the bestest family in the whole wide world. Or at least the best parents who write every week. I will be eternally grateful for your support!
Mom don´t feel too bad, I will show you Brasil one day I hope! I love this beloved country, with all its differences and beauty.
It is hot, and rainy and I am loving all of it! Seriously we thank heavenly father for the rain that refreshes us from the hot hot sun, and then for the beautiful sun that makes it so we don´t have to walk all day with sloshy shoes and brings the people out to the street so we can talk to them and invite them to be baptised.
We had a family night last night with Celia and Tiago and invited some recent converts and an investigator. it was really fun! I love my companion Sister Riggs, she is different than me, and I love the differences we laugh a lot and she helps me be calmer:)
I know God lives and that He loves us and that He is constantly on our side when we need him! I think I will use the rest of my time to send pictures! I love you all! I have one more transfer is all. 6 weeks crazy pants! Congrats dad on your car sales! that is so awesome! Becca for the scholarship!
Sister judd